You can help make a difference today....

Stephen - 0 of 5 Shares Sponsored


Your Sponsorship provides:

- Unmatched education for deaf Kenyan orphans

- Shelter on the Sam's Place campus

- 3 balanced meals and snacks every day

- School uniform and recreational clothing

-Spiritual care and development

School Program High School

Gender Male

Stephen is Form 2 (sophomore) student, who full of joy and is easy to locate around the campus by his squeals of excitement. He loves to have fun, laugh and joke. When not he is not making others laugh, he loves to draw and run.

Summer 2023


Class photo - Daisy and Stephen

June 2022

Stephen and Stanley are inseparable!

Alvin, Stephen and John enjoying a treat of bananas.

Stephen with his classmates, Daisy and Lucky.

Stephen and Stanley

Stephen chatting with his friends, Stanley and Lucky.



January 2022




Stephen and Stanley