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Justaus - 2 of 5 Shares Sponsored


Your Sponsorship provides:

- Unmatched education for deaf Kenyan orphans

- Shelter on the Sam's Place campus

- 3 balanced meals and snacks every day

- School uniform and recreational clothing

-Spiritual care and development

School Program Primary (Elementary School)

Gender Male

Justaus is a class four (fourth grade) student, who is one of Sam's Place technology gurus. He is really taking advantage of the computer lab at Sam's Place. He's becoming more proficient with his computer skills every day, and when he's not learning on the computer, he's outside with his friends playing soccer, handball, and any other sport he can! He loves learning math, science and English.



Summer 2023


Class photo - Justaus and Joshua


Joshua and Justus cleaning utensils. Part of the new CBC curriculum in Kenya includes more life skills projects.

Dance team


Lucky showing grade 1 and 3 students the internal parts of the computer.

Justaus making a paper airplane for a airplane race.

Stanley and Justus showing project their project.

Justaus wanting to help like the big kids.

Justaus and Lucky